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Kaj Munk Research Center


For a complete bibliography of Kaj Munk′s publications in Danish and other languages, go to the Danish homepage.


Bibliography – selected publications in English

Daugbjerg, Søren. Kaj Munk and Germany: Theater and Politics.
1st edition. Port Townsend, WA: New Nordic Press, 2011. 284 s.
Translated by Brian Young. Foreword by Mogens Munk. Note from the translator and editor, Brian Young. "Kaj Munk og Tyskland - Teater og Politik" by Søren Daugbjerg translated into English by Brian Young.

Munk, Kaj. By the Rivers of Babylon: The Wartime Sermons of Kaj Munk.
1st edition. Port Townsend, WA: New Nordic Press, 2013.
Translated by Brian Young, New Nordic Press, Port Townsend, WA, and Sister Reparata Hopp, Benedictine Monastery, Tucson, AZ. Foreword by Arense Lund.
Contents: • Kaj Munk′s first sermon (24 August 1919, Luke 19:41-48), • Be afraid, but not dismayed (Nok frygte, men ikke forfærdes, 14 April 1940, John 14:1-11), • Chasten us as a people (Giv os som Folk den Tugt vi behøver, 28 April 1940, Hebrews 12:6), • My Lord and My God (Første Søndag efter Paaske, 20 April 1941, John 20:19-30), • The Good Shepherd (Anden Søndag efter Paaske, 27 April 1941, John 10:11-16), • A Little While (Tredie Søndag efter Paaske, 4 May 1941, John 16:16-22), • Sin, Righteousness and Judgement (Fjerde Søndag efter Paaske, 11 May 1941, John 16:5-15), • Pray in the Name of Jesus (Femte Søndag efter Paaske, 18 May 1941, John 16:23-28), • Ye Shall Be My Witness (Sjette Søndag efter Paaske, 25 May 1941, John 15:26-16,4), • The Rich Man and Lazarus (Valdemarsdag (Første Søndag efter Trinitatis), 15 June 1941, Luke 16:19-31), • The Feast of the Great King (Anden Søndag efter Trinitatis, 22 June 1941, Luke 14:16-24), • God′s Concern for the Individual (Tredie Søndag efter Trinitatis, 29 June 1941, Luke 15:1-10), • Moses and Christ (Fjerde Søndag efter Trinitatis, 6 July 1941, Luke 6:36-42), • The Call of the Apostle Peter (Femte Søndag efter Trinitatis, 13 July 1941, Luke 5:1-11), • The Wrath of God (Sjette Søndag efter Trinitatis, 20 July 1941, Matthew 5:20-26), • Faith in the Invisible (Syvende Søndag efter Trinitatis, 27 July 1941, Mark 8:1-9), • The Unfaithful Steward (Niende Søndag efter Trinitatis, 10 August 1941, Luke 16:1-9), • The Good Samaritan (Trettende Søndag efter Trinitatis, 7 September 1941, Luke 10:23-27), • God and Caesar ("Christianity takes orders from nobody") (23. Søndag efter Trinitatis, 16 November 1941, Matthew 22:15,22), • Christ and John the Baptist (Johannes og Jesus, May 1943, The forbidden sermons #1), • The Christ Child and Stephen (Jesusbarnet og Stefanus, May 1943, The forbidden sermons #2), • Christ and Denmark (Kristus og Danmark, May 1943, The forbidden sermons #3), • Today is a proud day for Denmark (Prædiken i Vedersø Kirke den 29. august 1943, 29 August 1943, Denmark revolts, Acts 27:7-28,1), • Sermon in Copenhagen Cathedral (Anden Søndag i Advent (Prædiken i Københavns Domkirke ("Kaj Munks sidste prædiken i København"), 5 December 1943, Matthew 25:1-13), • Kaj Munk′s Last Sermon (Nytaarsdag 1944, New Year's Day Saturday, 1944).

Niels Ebbesen: Historical Drama in 5 Acts: Translated from Danish by Erna Voight and H. Orlo Miller, The Scandinavian News, Sept. 1942 - Feb. 1943
Kaj Munk: Playwright, Priest and Patriot, translated and edited by R.P. Keigwin, The Free Danish Publishing Company, 1944
Four Sermons, Blair, Nebraska, Lutheran Pub. House 1944
Scandinavian Plays of the Twentieth Century, Princeton, Princeton University Press for the American-Scandinavian foundation, New York 1944; 2. series, Kraus Reprint, 1971, with an introduction by Alrik Gustafson, comprising Kaj Munk′s play Niels Ebbesen, translated by Hanna Astrup Larsen
By the Rivers of Babylon, Fifteen Sermons, translated by John M. Jensen, Lutheran Publishing House, Blair, Nebraska, 1945
The Honourable Justice, translated by R.P. Keigwin, 1952
Five Plays, The American Scandinavian Foundation, New York 1953 and Nyt nordisk forlag, Arnold Busck, Københaven, The American Scandinavian Foundation, New York, 1964.  Content: Herod the King; The Word; Cant; He Sits at the Melting Pot; Before Cannae.
Egelykke, A drama in five acts, translated by Llewellyn Jones, 1954
Modern Scandinavian Plays, by Strindberg, August, New York, Liveright Pub. Corp. 1954, comprising Kaj Munk′s play Egelykke.
Swans of the North: and short stories by modern Danish authors, by Heepe, Evelyn, G.E.C. Gad, Copenhagen 1953, comprising Kaj Munk′s: But it′s not like him!
Updated: May 5, 2015